Bouquet Garni

Bouquet garni, a French term meaning “garnished bouquet,” is a bundle of herbs used to infuse dishes with subtle, aromatic flavors. A cornerstone of classic French cuisine, this herb bundle is a simple yet sophisticated way to elevate soups, stews, sauces, and broths. By gently releasing their essence during cooking, the herbs in a bouquet garni create a harmonious flavor profile without overpowering the dish.

A traditional bouquet garni typically includes parsley, thyme, and bay leaves, though variations can incorporate rosemary, tarragon, sage, or even celery and leek greens. The herbs are often tied together with kitchen twine or enclosed in cheesecloth for easy removal after cooking. This method ensures the herbs impart their flavors without leaving stray leaves or stems in the dish.

The resulting flavor is herbal and earthy, with the thyme providing warmth, the bay leaves adding depth, and the parsley contributing a fresh, slightly peppery note. Depending on the combination, additional herbs can lend sweetness, bitterness, or a hint of spice.

Bouquet garni is indispensable in slow-cooked dishes like pot-au-feu, boeuf bourguignon, and chicken stock. It infuses delicate, layered flavors into these hearty classics, enhancing the overall taste without dominating the other ingredients.

This herb bundle is also used in seafood dishes, such as bouillabaisse, where it complements the briny richness of the fish. In vegetable-based soups and stews, bouquet garni adds depth and sophistication to simple ingredients.